Dormant Core Group

30 August 2017

Sustainable Crediton's Core Group, the volunteers who manage the organisation, has currently only five members. Two of those members have some health issues and are taking some time out, at least until the New Year. Sadly the Core Group has decided that as a committee we will go into a "dormant" phase for the next 4 to 5 months. This means that we shall not be having any Core Group meetings and we shall not be organising any general events as we have done in the past.

We are as a Core Group non-conforming to our Constitution which requires a minimum of 6 members. Therefore if anyone would be interested in joining the Core Group please contact Charles Mossman. As we are not meeting for a few months, please give some thought as to whether you could help Sustainable Crediton to go forward in 2018.

Our Action Groups will continue as normal as will the website and Newsletter.


Charles Mossman - Vice Chair