Food Group Planning Meeting


General Sir Redvers Buller, High Street, Crediton EX17 3JP GoogleMap

The Food Group came up with plenty of exciting new ideas for events and activities last time we met - must be the heat. We're keen on attempting an autumn event or series of events, with ideas including apple pressing, food demos, foraging walks or cookery, a seed saving workshop, plant swap, pruning and pickling. Something for everyone! We also have members interested in bees and growing to attract bees and other pollinators. 

Tim Harris spoke of a new project called the 'Living Library' being conducted in conjunction with Exeter University about ordinary people's  connections and memories to food, which will become an online resource. An event is planned on the 3rd November to start the project off. More information can be found here.

There is also interest in learning more about forest gardening, and in finding out about the possibility of using council land around the town as a community orchard.

Other thoughts included Community Orchards, Edible forest.

And of course, there is next year's Seed Share to think about, in either late Feb or early March!

Now, in the unmissable next episode, we aim to pin some of these down, and get some dates in the diary. If anything here takes your fancy, or you have another idea, do come along to discuss. We are a small and very informal group, always on the look out for new members, so feel free to come along and join the conversation!