22nd February 2025

Annual Seed Share

Seed Share - We are looking forward to seeing you on 22nd February, 11 am until 2 pm at the Boniface Centre, Crediton. Seeds, displays, information, lunch, cakes, music - what's not to love! A seed swap works by people bringing seeds they have saved and taking away other people's seeds to use. We ...

18th January 2025

Clothes Swap

Sustainable Crediton 's own Clothes Swap- Karis Hall, Congregational Church, Crediton- Save the date and start saving clothes that you might want to swap. Please note that drop off is 11.30am-1pm and Clothes Taking is 1-3pm. ...

27th November 2024

Was Cop29 a Cop Out

The 29th United Nations Climate Change 'Conference of the Parties' has just ended in Baku, Azerbaijan with what seem to be mixed outcomes. After days of bitter recriminations 'richer countries' in the north agreed to pay 'poorer countries' in the south £I trillion per year to transfer to low carbo ...