Poster for the "Gorgeously Green" event

Gorgeously Green - Home, Body & Beauty Event


Boniface Centre, Crediton EX17 2AH GoogleMap

Make your own toiletries & cleaning products - you can bring your own small jars or bottles

  • Family Centre children's workshop

  • Taster sessions in reflexology & facial massage

  • Homemade natural beauty products available to buy

  • Live music

  • Prize draw

  • Refreshments

  • Stalls by the Green House, Wellbeing Centre, Crediton Climate Action's Energy Group, Hearts & Minds, and more

Come and make your own natural toiletries, no additives, no parabens, no nasty stuff!

Free entry

This is a fun, interactive day for people to learn a bit about what goes into conventional household cleaning products, toiletries and cosmetics and get a chance to have a go making some simple cleaners, hand care lotions, and cleansers using natural ingredients. 

We want to avoid chemicals and products derived from the oil industry, chemicals known to be carcinogens and
chemicals that have never been tested in the combinations that are present in conventional products.

It is free entry, there is a special workshop for children run by the Family Centre (making herbal bath bags plus other craft activities), refreshments available all day, live music plus taster sessions in facial massage and re exology. There will also be plenty of stalls (inc Green House, Wellbeing Centre, CCA's Energy Group and Hearts & Minds Group) and a fantastic prize draw.

It is not a fundraising event and we may be asking for donations to cover the costs of the materials and bottles used - but any money raised during the event will go towards further Crediton WEN activities and campaigns (allotment, real nappies, climate change, local food ... ...).