Review of Waste Action Group meeting


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1) Apologies



2) Matters Arising

WAGs articles for the SC website have still not been done. See later discussion.

Food Festival recycling, June 17th and 18th.To be discussed nearer the time. 


3) Food Champions Project

Ruth Leonard Williams from CAG (Community Action Group) outlined the pilot project she is involved in, working with Mid Devon Council to reduce waste to landfill. The project will run until 2018 and will support community groups to run actvities.


4) Possible Projects for 2017

a) Repair cafe
Discussed running two this year. Repairs sewing, bike and electrical.  Carolyn volunteered to do sewing and Anne may have contacts for sewing.
Action - Esther to contact Emma Croft to see what support she could offer.Also to contact Tiverton repair cafe to ask for help from their volunteers.
b) Stall at Crediton Food Festival
Action - Ruth to contact Food Festival. WAGs to provide help on the day (Sat 17th is best).
c) Food Champion Training - Feb
Esther and Carolyn will do this and then the group will decide how to use this as the basis of a project, perhaps based on food poverty, sharing a meal, having a party. Target group? Have a celebrity?
Action - Esther and Carolyn to register and Esther to contact Food Group and put up posters.
d) Compost Doctor event - Mar
Have not yet decided how to use this in a project.
Action - Esther and Charles to book themselves onto the event in March.
e) Give and Take
WAG will not be running one this year.
Action - Esther to contact Methodist Church to ask if they would like to run one with our support.
f) Art Installation at Final day of Cred Fest - 24th Jun
Carolyn and Chris are keen to help with this, but do not want to organise it.
Action - Anne to contact Sarah of Core group who will shortly be meeting Landscore school and Cred fest organisers.
g) Skillshare workshops?


5) AOB

a) Articles needed on anything to do with recycling, reuse, etc for SC website.

Action - All to send Anne suitable articles to her by 25th Jan. Ruth to write about 'olio' food sharing app.

Anne also asked if all could complete the SC online survey.

b) Discussion of Mid Devon recycling and how to make it less confusing, particularly for older people. 

Action - Esther to email Felicity at Mid Devon to ask if she could put on information sessions for the public in Crediton.


6) Date of Next Meeting

February 13th, 2pm at Esthers


Anyone interested in Reducing, Reusing or Recycling is welcome to come and join our small friendy group and see what we are planning. All ideas welcome!  

Please contact Esther, our group co-ordinator for further details.


Notes from last meeting

Last updated on by Anne Tucker