Devon Waste Plan Torn to Shreds by Waste Action Group

31 March 2014

Members of the Waste Action Group took the trouble to review the Devon Waste Plan which was recently out for public consultation. We were horrified to note the lack of ambition in the plan. For instance Devon County Council were projecting that recycling rates would only improve by about 10% over the current level of 54% by the year 2031. The Council also predicted that due to economic growth the amounts of waste to landfill would grow substantially over the same period. They were forecasting that every man, woman and child would be producing 330 kgs of waste per annum in 2031. To cope with all this waste the Council have planned several additional waste to energy plants (aka incinerators) in various parts of the county including Tiverton.

You can see our detailed responses to the Waste Plan by clicking here.