Review of Waste Action Group meeting


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1)Apologies-Stella and Nancy


2) Matters Arising-All actions cleared.Leaflets for 2015 plastic collections will be orange. 

Action-Esther to pick up for Hedgerow printers when they are ready for distribution at plastic collection etc.


3)Plastic Collection 29/11

Actions-Anne to email volunteers and bring gazebo, do Sandford collection.Paula to put ad in Courier and to put notice on Peck and Strong wall on 28/11.Esther to bring leaflets, high viz jackets, visit Peck and Strong.Charles to bring table, banners etc.and to coordinate Cheriton Fitzpaine collection.Caroline to let Paula know re wording on leaflet


4)Xmas Tree Decoration-Esther and Caroline to put together on 03/12

Action-Esther and Caroline to supply lights,extension cables,skirt for bottom of tree.Esther to pick up Sustainable Crediton leaflets on 29/11 and also to put new plastic collection leaflets in Boniface Centre before the Xmas Tree Festival.Also, will need a Waste in Wonderland sign for the tree and something for the top of the tree.Caroline to take down tree on 08/12


5)Recycling Award-

Action-Caroline, Jill and Anne to nominate Charles for Cheriton Fitzpaine work and Paula to ask people in Chetiton Fitzpaine to nominate Charles.


6)Pop up Shop-

Lease for shop to run from 02/02/15,to open 06/02. Esther to liaise with Devon Lettings to get lease up to 22/02 if possible.   

Work needed-

a)Advertising. Leaflets,posters,press articles.Radio, TV?, facebook,Sustaianble Crediton website.B ig impressive banner for top of shop.

Action-Paula to do a small trailer leaflet and poster for use at next plastic collection

b)Volunteers and rota.Opening hours 10 to 4, monday to saturday. Aim for 2 people in shop at all times.Sessions for volunteers 9.45 to 1,12.45 to 4.00.

Action-all to look for list of volunteers. Aim for one person to hold the definitive list.

Action-Anne to brainstorm FAQ list for volunteers and 'Guideline for Volunteers'.

Action-Esther to put together a volunteer rota sheet

c)Event to be called 'Give and Take Fortnight'

d)Equipment-Table,chairs,clothes rails,banner,sc display, donations box. Kitchen equipment

Action-Paula to send her notes from a previous meting and the application form to all

e)Exit Strategy-will need to get PWS/charity shops to take away leftover goods at the end of the 2 weeks.

f)Health and Safety Guidlines-risk assessment to be done

g)Involvement of other sus cred groups


7) AOB - Sustainable Crediton Xmas dinner 09/12/2014,7.00pm at Il Casita

Get together for volunteers -to take place on the day before the opening of the pop up shop in the shop

Flag xmas parade on 28/11-anyone can come along and take place


8) Date of next meeting 01/12 2.00 pm at Esther's house, 17 Okefield Road


Last updated on by Anne Tucker