Notes from
WAGs Meeting Mon Feb 10th at 2pm at Jills
Present: Paula, Charles, Jill, Carolyn, Esther, Stella, Anne
1. Stella was welcomed at her first group meeting
2. Plastics
67 bags in total collected in January, a record. Anne estimated
this weighed approx one tonne. Broken down to Sandfod 3 bags, Ch
Fitz 13 bags, Crediton 41 bags.
Anne has now produced a list of jobs to do at each Crediton
collection so less need to discuss regular arrangements at
meetings. Anne thinks it may be possible to set up collections
independant of ours in Lapford (Sarah Green, Core Grp member) and
Morchard Bishop (Karin Moffat). PWS could collect from them
potentially on Fridays.
Anne will speak to Sarah and Karin and discuss
it further.
Leaflets for remaining plastics collections at Crediton for 2014
now available - bright yellow.
Jill, Esther, Carolyn and Stella will
put leaflets up as posters in Crediton etc. and leave small
piles in relevant places.
Jill noted that Trish of PWS only wants milk bottles separated
out at collections and not other PET.
We discussed the desirability of directing traffic at Crediton
collections and agreed we should continue esp. at busy times.
Anne will organise volunteers for March
Crediton collection. It was agreed that we should try and involve
all volunteers as much as they want where possible so as not to
dampen their enthusiasm.
It was also agreed that Paula should continue
to place Courier Ads for the collections in the paper that
appears 8 days before the collection date.
At kerbside collections a MDDC recycling operative has told Jill
it was desirable to remove lids of milk bottles to reduce level of
PET contamination.
3. Terracycle
Biscuit Wrapper Challenge
This is being repeated from Feb1st to April 30th 2014 on similar
terms to last time.
It was agreed it was too short notice to take part this time for
the limited financial reward involved and that the real benefit of
the scheme was raising the profile of recycling.
Paula to contact Terracycle and ask for more
advance notice if the scheme was repeated again.
4. Recycling
List for Website, Recycling 'Tip of the Month'
Anne had now put a very comprehensive list of where to recycle
on the website. Anne would condense it into one
sheet for printing off to have at events, plastic recycling days
etc. List can be used as a source for Recycling Tip of the
Paula would produce these 'tips' for the
website in Feb and March.
Stella would take over from April.
Paula would speak to Alan Quicke about getting
the tips into the Courier monthly or possibly more frequently.
5. Plant Pot
Esther had contacted Bernaville about taking
back plastic plant pots. They are now selling recycled plastic
'gifts' made from plant pots by Shortwalk and she would encourage
them to set up a container to take customers returned plant posts
in association.
Esther would also contact Bow and Eggesford
Garden Centres, Tuckers and possibly Crediton Garden Centre to see
if they can be persuaded to take back pots.
6. Crediton
Food Festival.14th/15th June
Tim Harris wants WAGs to help again this year and organisers
will urge stallholders to use recyclable food & drink
containers wherever possible.
It was decided that we would make every effort to do the
recycling as well as possible at the event this year and that
this would require recruiting extra helpers possibly from the new
list of people helping at plastic recycling days.
Carolyn would contact Alison Shakespeare to see
if the organising Committee would ascertain from the stallholders
what kind of packaging they would be using this year and how badly
it would be contaminated with food esp plastic containers. Also to
ask Alison if water is provided on site for cleaning containers B4
recycling them.
Jill to ask Mid Devon to provide the bins and
about availability of suitable bags. We will see if we can source
suitable bags ourselves if necessary. Bins to be
labelled in detail with what is to go in them on one side to assist
helpers and also simply elsewhere to assist public when recycling
station is unmanned.
7.Pop Up
Carolyn had had no luck with a location , Cost Cutter was under
offer and Phillips sold and would be in the process of renovation
at the time we wanted.
Anne had had more success, Seddons had been let but Paul Evans
of Evans Travel was in favour and would let us use the premises FOC
if it was still available (not sold or long term rented) but it
would have to be slightly earlier dates due to another organisation
using it in the run up to the Xmas period. Took the
decision that we may bring date forward to 28th June to
12th July if that would be suitable for Evans.
Anne will get back to Paul Evans about this and
arrange a time for some us us to visit the shop and see what
facilities it has.
Paula to look at Awards for All and approach
Nick Way for possible grants.
Charles to apply to the Innovation
Fund for a grant.
Personal Liability protection covered by Sus Cred's insurance
but Anne to check with Paul Evans about buildings
Charles to get back to Hilary Hamilton about a
possible Arts Centre playlet once date was more definite.
Jill will talk to Tracy in Evans Newsagents
about how she ran her materials pop up shop.
Next month we would work on what shop would entail in terms of
contents, materials we would need, volunteers we would need.
Paula would mention it at AGM and see if other Sus
Cred groups wanted to participate.
8. Garden
ReUse List
Paula had produced a draft list. Would try to
get it on 2 sides of A4 with a few pictures
Paula would get it on the website and also
publicise it in next months newsletter. Would add website link to
Paula would have some ready for Seed Swap with
a sheet beside it for people to add their ideas.
Paula would distribute via Ch Fitz Garden Club
and Anne would see if she can do the same at Crediton Garden
9. Devon Waste
Strategy Document
Charles would be looking at this in the next
few days.
10. Any Other
Charles mantioned that Crediton has a very active Facebook, Swop
and Sell site with over 1,000 members
Charles to contact organiser and, with their
agreement, add to link to website and mention it in the next
Streetbank - this an online site for sharing
equipment within neighbourhoods. Charles
to promote in next newsletter
Reuse and Repair - This was an item brought up at the Back to
The Future Event under the waste heading. It was pointed
out that Dee Ross is currently attempting to set up a Skill
Sharing Group that could well include sharing of repair type
11. Next
Mon 24th March at 2pm
Mon 28th April at 2.30pm
Both at Jill's house.
Meeting closed at 4.35pm