Waste Action Group Plans

The Waste Action Group is reviewing its action plan for 2009/10 as it currently looks unlikely that our planned collaboration with Mid Devon Community Recycling will be able to go ahead due to a change in MDCR's circumstances recently. In light of this we will be holding a meeting this autumn to decide on our next project. All previous  Plastic Bag Group members and other interested CCA supporters will be most welcome to join us and put forward their ideas. More details in the next newsletter.

We are planning to produce a leaflet on reuse and recycling specific to Mid Devon in the near future. This is to clarify much of the confusion we have become aware of among households in Crediton and other parts of Mid Devon about what substances can and cannot be recycled, especially plastics, and where and how to go about it most effectively. If you have a reuse/recycling query that you would like to see answered in the leaflet, or know of a local reuse/recycling issue that confuses your friends and neighbours, please send details to me. We want this leaflet to really clarify the local scene and as a consequence increase the percentage of household waste that gets reused and recycled.