RE-USE resources

cork tree

Previous projects we have been involved in:

  • Community market stalls
  • Garden sculpture out of waste plastic
  • Clothes and household goods swop
  • Eco fashion - updating old clothes
  • Holding "give and take events " 
  • Repair cafe

 Current activities include:

  • "Refill" project to reduce single use plastic bottles
  • Encourage reuse of plant pots and trays at garden centres
  • Liaison with MDDC and DCC
  • Articles in the local press e.g. Crediton Courier
  • Working with other community organisations to re-use resources 

Future ideas to develop in order to re-use resources:

  • Hold further clothes swop/swishing events to attract young people as well as older ones
  • Promote freecycle and freegle
  • Look at tool sharing or lending groups

1st May 2024

Welcoming Refugees in Crediton: Table-top give-away

On Saturday 18th May Sustainable Crediton will be sharing the Sustainabubble at 8, North Street with the local group "Welcoming Refugees in Crediton" (WRC), supporting them to pass on household goods ( crockery, kitchen implements, household linen etc) which have been donated to help people in need ...

4th November 2018

Crediton Repair Cafe

Crediton Repair Cafe is part of an international movement which started in Amsterdam, to provide repair services to combat 'throwaway' culture, for household items which would otherwise be cast off as irrepairable or not worth repairing. The Cafe will be held on 17th November at Crediton Methodist ...

18th May 2015

Interested in running a Give and Take Event?

As this was a new venture, the Waste Action Group have issued a helpful guide to help anyone who is interested in running a similar Give and Take Event. The advice manual provides help and guidelines, including potential problems, which we hope will prove useful to others ...

30th March 2015

Want to clear out your shed?

Did you know that Bernaville Garden Centre (at Cowley) have a collection point for broken or unwanted garden tools which are refurbished by prisoners and then sent off to charity? Why not have a clearout, and let others benefit! ...

24th February 2014

Useful tips and how to save money in the garden

If you want to find out how you can reuse everything from yogurt pots to carpets to help you around the garden then see this handy Garden ReUse list for ideas. ...

15th November 2012

Want to recycle items or find useful stuff?

Would you like a readily available site on the web to recycle unwanted and unused items from your home, business or organisation? Or a place to find stuff that might be of use to you? Take a look at the Scavenger Reuse and Recycle Network website. The site is still continuing to grow but i ...

31st October 2012

Ever heard of the Exeter Scrapstore?

Have you heard of the Exeter Scrapstore? It is a facility to which businesses and organisations in Exeter donate their ends of lines and off cut materials for reuse as play, artistic and creative materials. For a small annual fee any group or organisation can become a member and access a h ...

30th April 2012

Free Slug & Snail Deterrent

Ashtons Coffee Shop on Town Square in Crediton will give you used the coffee grounds from their coffee machine if you take in an empty container. They also leave containers of coffee grounds outside their main door for people to take away. If they are spread in a circle around vulnerable garde ...

30th July 2011

Free Stuff

If you are looking for free items or want to have a clear out, as well as the "Freecycle" website, this Freeads website may also be useful. I have not used it personally so cannot comment on the results, nor should this be seen as a personal recommendation, but it may well be useful for findi ...

Logo for
30th June 2011

A New Equipment Sharing Scheme

We can save money and resources by sharing things with our friends and neighbours. Have a look at the Neighbour Goods site below. It shows how we can organise to do this. If you would be interested and would like to help set up a Sustainable Crediton Group as part of this site please get in t ...

2nd May 2011

Re-using plastic

The overuse of plastic, particularly in food packaging, is one of the subjects many of us seem to get upset about quite justifiably. If you are a gardener here some tips for reusing some of that plastic this spring and summer: supermarket plastic trays that contain mushrooms and other ve ...

30th March 2011

What to do with old clothes

If you have clothing in the back of your wardrobe that is not being worn we have 3 suggestions for you: either take it to a charity shop arrange an informal clothes swap at home with some of your friends over a bottle of wine or, if you can wait, put it to one side to bring ...

4th November 2007

Crediton Freecycle

This great national website network organises groups of people locally to swap and give away things that they no longer need or use. Several of our members have recommended it, all saying it is brilliant and a great way to dispose of unwanted stuff as well as find things you need. A grea ...