Photograph of a group of people with a pile of rubbish holding a Recycling Point poster

Waste Management

Our Goal:

For Crediton to be a zero waste town by 2050


We will aim to do this by:

Encouraging local residents to make better use of the Earth's finite resources by adopting the 3 R's: 

 We will implement these through a mix of practical projects and information

What Are We Currently Involved In?  

  • Raising awareness and reducing food waste
  • Helping to reduce the use of plastics
  • Raising awareness of existing recycling facilities
  • Helping and promoting recycling at the Crediton Food Festival
  • Providing information leaflets on waste

Why Not Join Us?

The group is a friendly bunch who would welcome you as a new contributor whatever your talents and interests. We have regular get togethers to plan and discuss progress. If you are interested in reducing, reusing or recycling come and join us at our next meeting to see what we are planning.

The more people we have to help, the more we can achieve. Whether helping at an event or coming to our monthly meetings you would be very welcome. For more details please get in touch.


Latest News: Crediton Eco-Crafternoon

Coming Soon: Repair Cafe  (22nd March)

Get Involved! Group members needed

Campaign of the Month: Plastic Free Supermarkets in the UK now!

Here is a reminder of our afternoon at the Boniface Centre On Saturday October 26th, from 1-4pm at The St. Boniface Centre Sustainable Crediton and Significant Seams will host the first Crediton Eco-Crafternoon. At the heart of this will be bring and take tables so we can declutter and offer to o ...

We were formed in early 2008 when a group of supporters decided to work with the local traders with the aim of making Crediton a Plastic Carrier Bag Free Town. After 10 months of effort our campaign culminated in the launch of Plastic Bag Free Crediton in November 2008, with over 90% of the ...

Photograph of Sustainable Crediton supporters protesting against plastic bags

For more information email Waste Action Group Coordinator, Esther Mann. Sign in to see more contact details..