At the Boniface Trail meeting on the 8th October, we learned
that Newton St Cyres could be the key to our campaign. Parish
Councillor Steve Parker maintains village footpaths and, as a
farmer himself, is talking to other landowners to find a safe
footpath / cycle route to both Crediton and Exeter.
With a primary school and 27 houses soon to be built in Station
Road, Steve's proposed cycle / footpath would ensure happier
journeys for families to and from school, compared to current
cramped parking and children strapped into car seats at the top of
the hill on the A377.
Laura Conyngham has walked some of Steve's route and says, "The
route mostly runs parallel to the A377, by-passing its most
dangerous stretches by wriggling round housing. Steve is amazing in
obtaining the willingness of landowners."
Bob Lunnon photographed the A377 in sections, with Laura in the
distance as scale, between Tescos and Cowley (terrifying for both
of them) in order to categorise road widths along the route.
In referring to his survey and his years as a cycling commuter,
Bob says, "There is a section of the A377 between Newton St Cyres
and Half Moon which is 1km long and has a continuous double white
line, reflecting the width, curvature and undulatory nature of the
road there. Many cyclists consider this to be the most dangerous
kilometre between Crediton and Exeter, a "show-stopper" when
contemplating commuting between the two settlements. By-passing
this section would massively improve both the actual safety and the
perceived safety of cyclists on the A377."
Devon County Council's "unavailable routes" are further factors.
DCC has to provide transport for school students, where cycling is
unsafe. Bob says, "The proposed Newton St Cyres by-pass will by
pass two sections of unavailable route. If the by-pass was
constructed then school students could use a bicycle between, for
example, Cowley and Crediton. Thus considerable potential saving
that DCC could make."