Crediton Town Council is running a community
conversation for the people of the Crediton area to come together,
hear more about the climate and nature crises, and then have an
opportunity to come up with their ideas of what the Town Council
and we as a local community should do.
These issues will have to be dealt with by all of us
and in particular by the young of today for the rest of their lives
as the impacts become worse.
This event is split into 2 parts, the first is a talk
at Haywards school hall on Thursday 4th
'Climate and Ecological Crisis: What's All
the Fuss About?' by David Ramsden M.B.E.
David Ramsden MBE is Head of Conservation for the Barn Owl
Trust. He also does a brilliant talk so if you don't know what the
fuss is about, come and see David's presentation. If you do know
what the fuss is about, bring someone else along who doesn't and
you'll probably find out more than you expected anyway.
Like many of us, David read reports on global warming and
ecological damage a few years ago. But whereas most of us may have
shrugged and hoped that someone else would solve the problem, he
decided to do a lot more research. The result is a presentation
that many people have found illuminating, informative, accurate and
understandable. It comes highly recommended.
The second, on Saturday 6th
November is a chance for the local community to come
together and hear from 3 experts on subjects that are important in
the local area and then to come up with suggestions about what the
Crediton area should do:
Crediton COP 26 - A Community Conversation: What should
Crediton do?
There will be presentations on
- Food security, land use and economy
- Transport
- Agriculture and biodiversity
The speakers are:
Catherine Broomfield, farmer and business
Catherine has a background in business and farming, having
kept livestock in Devon since 2001. She advocates for native breeds
and grass-based systems. More recently she has campaigned for
sustainable food and farming and for policy development. She has an
MSc in Food Policy and is currently researching how livestock
farmers can engage with the non-farming public in a way which is
most likely to sustain the 'social licence to farm'.
Stewart Barr, Professor of Geography
Stewart researches into Environment and Sustainability including
how the public engages with current environmental problems. He
looks at how social practices are evolving in the light of
'mega-issues' like climate change, and the ways in which
consumption-heavy lifestyles could be put in conflict with calls to
reduce consumption as a way of averting catastrophic climate
change. He explores various practices related to energy use, water,
waste and most recently, mobilities. He looks at how social media's
potential for collective action can help to achieve successful
behavioural change.
Ewan Woodley, Senior Lecturer in Geography
Ewan's broad research interests are climate change, natural
hazards and public understandings of risk and resilience. He is a
member of the Environment and Sustainability research group whose
approach covers health and well-being, risk, ethics, place and
identity. He acknowledges that 'The communication of climate
science is a key challenge for academics'. Current research fields
are Transitioning to sustainability, Sustainable places: land and
sea, Resilience and climate change.
Cllr Elizabeth Lloyd, Mid Devon District
Elizabeth is the Green Party district councillor for Sandford
and Creedy. She was the cabinet member holding the portfolio for
climate change until March 2021. She will precede the presentations
with an outline of initiatives that the district council is
It will help us with numbers if attendees register for both
events via Eventbrite . The link to the event is
also on the town council website and on our
Facebook page. Alternatively, email the town council on . You can still come if you haven't had
time to book a ticket, though.
See the posters below for further details. Both
events are free.