On 26th June the District Council held its first 'climate
conversation', on-line of course. The event was hosted by
Councillor Elizabeth Wainwright, who reported as follows:
'Today I was pleased to host the first in a series of 'Mid
Devon Climate Conversations', on behalf of Mid Devon District
Council. Around 30 people from Town and Parish Councils, local
businesses and community groups shared some of the initiatives
they're working on. We also discussed what a net zero carbon Mid
Devon in 2030 might look like, and some of the opportunities and
challenges in getting there.
Future calls will be themed, looking at topics like planning,
transport, farming, communications and more. Details on how to sign
up will be shared widely.
Thank you to those who joined today, including from Crediton
Town Council, Sustainable Tiverton, Heathcoat Fabrics,
Sustainable Crediton (and) Exeter Community Energy'.
Members of Sustainable Crediton Core Group also attended and
will follow up on future developments.