Woodland Management Group swings into action

7 October 2022

Our Woodland Management Group met for the the first time for the new season on 26th of September. We have resumed our long term coppicing project at Moor Farm, near Morchard Bishop, where our hosts are Wendy and Robert Vere.

It was lovely to welcome to the group new members Ian, John and Susan. There were seven of us in all, the best turnout since pre covid days. The group felt purposeful and with a renewed energy.

We meet at Moor Farm every fortnight from late September through to March. It's a great way to keep active through the darker months, and at the end of the season we share the coppiced timber which makes great (free) fuel.

If you are interested in joining us, drop me an email via the link on this page.

John Craythorne

240922 WG2

240922 WG1