A new grant opened on 10 November aimed at encouraging planting
of new large-scale multipurpose woodlands across the country. This
will help to meet Government's future carbon targets and
deliver a wide range of other benefits including increased
recreation, biodiversity, improved water quality, prevention of
soil erosion, enhanced flood protection and producing timber and
wood fuel.
The fund is part of a package of grants available with dedicated
advice and support available from the Forestry Commission that aims
to encourage more private sector investment in large scale woodland
creation. The Woodland Carbon Fund is a Government-only (i.e. it is
not co-financed by the European Union's Rural Development
Programme) funded scheme.
The scheme is open to landowners, eligible farmers, local
authorities, community forests and others. Multiple ownerships can
apply for one scheme. Maximum grants available will range
between £6,800 and £8,500 per hectare depending on its
location, with the higher rate available where there is an access
need and permissive access is granted. Discretionary footpath
access payments will also be available.
The applicant will need to have a woodland creation design plan
that complies with UK Forest Standards and have clearance to plant
under EIA Regulations. Support for such preparatory work is
available through the Woodland Creation Planning Grant.
More details about the Woodland Carbon Fund, eligibility and the
application forms and guidance are available on our website www.forestry.gov.uk/england-wcf.
Creating New Woodland in South West England
To tie in with the launch of the new Woodland Carbon Fund, the
Forestry Commission are running a free Woodland Creation event in
Cullompton, Devon, on Wednesday 14 December. This event will also
cover the Woodland Carbon Code and support for woodland creation
through Countryside Stewardship, as well as more advice on woodland
creation design planning. This will be a great opportunity to
discuss your ideas with Forest Services staff.
Booking for the event is essential and you can
book your place using Eventbrite. The event will be held at
Cullompton Community Centre between 9.30am and 3.30pm.