The Hedgerow Group started work in February on an overgrown
beech hedge at Poltimore Church. We are working for the Friends of
Poltimore Church. The Friends are clearing up the brash we produce
in trimming the beech hedge to a height of about 4 to 5 feet high.
We get to keep all the timber produced. The job looked quite
straight forward and we thought that we would complete by
mid-afternoon on the first day. However after two days work there
is still at least one more day's work to go. Photos of our work can be seen here.
The final two work parties of this winter season are not yet
scheduled. However we expect to have one session at Tucking Mill to
clear up the brash in the orchard where we have laid a hedge along
a bridle path. We hope to make this a social event with veggies
cooked in the ashes of a bonfire and some liquid refreshments. The
other session will be to finish the beech hedge at Poltimore.