Devon has more hedgerows than any other county in the UK. It is
estimated that there are 53,000 km (33,000 miles) of hedgerow still
in the county, and that we have about 20% of all the species-rich
hedges left in the UK.
If you're interested in preserving this rich bio-diversity here
are some useful links ...
Hedgelink (a web-site "All about hedges")
is chock full of useful information about hedgerows,
including educational material for teachers and children
and practical advice on managing hedgerows
The Devon Hedge section of the Devon
County Council website have a good number of free publications
focusing on conservation and management.
Devon Hedges (also hosted by Devon County
Council) have good selection of multimedia downloads
including Devon's Distinctive Hedges - a brilliant
interactive map showing the different types of hedgerows throughout
Devon (you can email them to get a free A1 poster).
The National Hedgelaying Society -
"Committed to conserving hedgerows through traditional
skills" have some good basic guides on hedgelaying, planting and general management.
If you have others, do let me know and I'll post them here.
A beautifully illustrated guide explaining why our hedgerows are
important, why they are under threat and how we can protect them.
The guide includes a handy hedge tree identification sheet and a
"Did you know" guide.
"This guide is a celebration of
hedgerows. We wanted to share our passion ...
This 11 minute video story, written and told by Clive Pig,
is an amusing and entertaining account of why the hedge at the
bottom of the garden is so much better for wildlife than a wooden
fence ever would be. Written and told for younger children, it is
designed to help them learn about why he ...
In celebration of our hedgerows we are publishing a series of
illustrations from "The Hedgerow Year" which shows the wonderful
diversity of flowering shrubs, small trees and climbers which make
up Devon's hedgerows. Each month is recorded with detailed
watercolour illustrations and accompanyin ...
Ticks can transmit
bacteria that cause diseases such as Lyme disease. Although not all
tick bites result in disease, it is important you know how to avoid
tick bites and to take action if you or your family get bitten.
These two factsheets
provides important health advice and some basic precaution ...
When I moved to Devon nearly twenty years ago, it was a delight
to behold a landscape still generously endowed with hedgerows: I
had arrived from Norfolk, a county of huge arable fields with
little by way of hedges at all, in many parts.
However, looking more closely at some of our local hedges
re ...
DEFRA is undertaking a review of the hedgerow protection
regulations and has opened a public consultation on
the review.
Looking at the dire state of many of the hedgerows in the
vicinity, especially - with a few notable and honourable exceptions
- to the north west of Crediton, you may be thinkin ...
Members of the Tree Group organised by Caroline Romijn recently
met at Elston, near Copplestone, to plant a hedge for local farmer
Andy Gray.
It was a very rare, perfect day and we all enjoyed a morning out
in the sunshine!
The Tree Group has pretty much finished planting work for
the winter, alt ...
For more information email Sarah. Sign in to see more contact details..