Turning Tides Four Mills Lane Allotment Site Tour


Turning Tides Tea Room at Crediton Railway Station GoogleMap

An invitation!

Significant Seams CIC, Mid Devon Primary Care Network and Devon Mental Health Alliance are co-hosting a site visit to Turning Tides Four Mills Allotment site as part of a Creative Wellbeing Consortium Development project - emerging from a number of community consultations over the last 6 months.

Turning Tides grow vegetables and flowers for the Crediton Tea Rooms on the site, have built bug hotels, have wildlife cameras, and a wonderful wider array of fanciful creations (drums sprouting plants, A mermaid in the grass, a narwhal under a flower blanket). Significant Seams and Turning Tides value and embed environmental awareness and inspiration from nature throughout their work.

The tour is on 5 July from 10-noon, with an optional lunch at the Tea Rooms afterwards. Book to let them know you are coming here.