Review of 201914 January 2020

2019 was a busy and varied year for Sustainable Crediton.
As we shake off the last of the mince pies and leave the darkest
days behind us, it's time to re-energise and get involved in
projects and campaigning.
Last year we:
- Worked with Town Council: attending meetings, lobbying
for the Declaration of a Climate Emergency, and helped start the
Town Council Climate Change and Sustainability Sub Committee (see
under Dates for your Diary for future meetings, go along and have
your say);
- Working with Mid Devon District Council: agreed our first
license for planting on council land by the Sustainable Crediton
Pollinator group;
- Promoted Sustainable Crediton by attending transition
events, the Mayor's reception, Crediton Museum opening, promoting
the Chamber of Commerce's Totally Local initiative and shopping
locally, attending Exeter University Climate emergency
- Held our seed share event, Share, Grow, Eat!
- Organised two clothes swap events at the Congregational
- Publicised Sustainable Crediton at the Picnic in the Park
during Crediton Festival;
- Organised talks and presentations;
- Established the Pollinator group - the Belle Parade and
Tesco plots, obtained grants to fund the next phase;
- Took part in the Parish Church Christmas Tree festival
where we highlighted (decoratively!) the environmental impact of
the clothing industry;
- Attended the Natural Devon Wildlife
- Held a promotional street stall in the High
- Carried out woodland management and coppicing work, via
the Wood Group.
Phew! That's not a bad list. We would love to do even more, but
that needs more bodies getting active. Lets be hearing from