350 is an online organisation attempting to stand up to big
business and injustice in the world by motivating us as ordinary
citizens to support worthwhile campaigns and effectively stand up
and be counted about what we really care about.
They now also have a new tool whereby you can start your own
on-line campaign about something you are passionate about quickly,
easily and without any financial cost!
Are you a member of the 350 organisation? Do you respond to and
endorse their campaigns?
Whether you do or not please read what Bill McKibben the
founder has written below. It is an inspirational view on how we
can change the world.
Bill McKibben wrote:
"It's our job to rally a movement in the coming years big enough
to stand up to all that money, to profits of a sort never before
seen on this planet... It can only happen with a spread-out and yet
thoroughly interconnected movement, a new kind of engaged
citizenry. Rooftop by rooftop, we're aiming for a different world,
one that runs on renewable power that people produce themselves in
their communities in small but significant batches. The movement
that will get us to such a world must run on that kind of
[distributed] power too."
Please visit 350's
website or, if you would just
like to start your own campaign, fill in their simple form at the
following address. http://act.350.org/go/3639?t=2&akid=3482.247808.mH5wz