Exeter Cathedral's Season of Creation


Exeter Cathedral, 1 The Cloisters, Exeter EX1 1HS GoogleMap

There is growing concern in Christian communities about the ecological crisis and the way human beings are treating God's Earth. The season of Creation helps us care for our beautiful planet home.

7.30pm on Tuesdays 1,8,15,22 September Discussion group on Paula Clifford's recent book "Angels with Trumpets"  Subtitled "The church in a time of global warming", Clifford draws on the letters to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation and argues that Christians need to find a prophetic voice. To be held at 1 Miller Close, Exeter. Please call 01392 499703 to let us know you're coming, for directions, and if you would like us to order the book on your behalf.

8pm on Friday 18 September: Showing at Nightchurch of Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth" Humour, facts, and the tipping point for the climate change debate.

7.30pm on Thursday 1 October First Thursday 'Questions of Faith' on the "Transition Town Movement" Led by Gill Westcott, who is one of the leading lights of Transition Exeter. The Transition Town Movement is one of the fastest-growing social movements in the country, responding to the twin challenges of climate change and peak oil through building local community. To be held as usual in one of the Cathedral Cloister rooms.