Well, that was a cold bit in December but in the allotment
everything survived that you'd expect to survive and a good hard
frost is healthy for a garden. The chard , though looking sad will
recover I'm sure. Sadly two butternut squashes that were being
stored in the shed did freeze, so lesson learnt. Curly and cavolo
nero kale, jerusalem artichokes and leeks are being harvested. The
purple sprouting is just beginning to show signs of buds and broad
beans are growing. Weather allowing, someone will be up at the
allotment to greet new people between 11-2 January 18th,
February 1st and 15th. If you are unsure
about the weather look on our facebook group: we'll say if no one
is going to be there. From March we'll start being there every
Wednesday. Remember if you'd like to get involved but Wednesdays
don't suit you just email me via the link on this page, and we can
arrange a different time. Meet at the top gate to the Barnfield
allotment site. The Community Allotment is first on the right,
inside the gate.
It's time to start planning what will be planted this year and
it won't be long before its time to sow some things indoors. We
hope to put in a bare root plum tree and maybe a vine. We have also
received some funding to put in more water butts, which will be a
great help if we have another dry summer. Hope to see you up

Christina Dymond Jan 23