The Community Allotment is dormant at the moment (March
2024). More news later ......
The tail end of autumn and the hints of winter mean the tasks of
the allotment change. We have still managed to harvest little round
carrots from the standing trug. The chard is doing really well and
despite not being netted the pigeons seem to be leaving it for us.
After a frost we have harvested the first of the Jerusalem
Artichokes. The leeks aren't very big this year so we'll probably
leave them to see if they put on some growth at the end of the
winter before harvesting them.
The broad beans got sown the first week of November and have
started poking their heads above ground and we planted out a few
strawberry runners.
The main tasks of November and indeed December and January will
be construction and tidying. We have already laid one new path and
started laying a new bed. We hope to get lots of compost and well
rotted horse manure to make the new bed 'no dig' and to rejuvenate
the other beds. We will also be moving the two apple trees from the
land we gave back to the allotment association to our
It would be great to put up a hedgehog house for the hedgehogs
if anyone is feeling crafty.
Christina Dymond