Sustainable Crediton takes on the community allotment

8 April 2022

Sustainable Crediton is now hosting The Crediton Community Allotment. It is situated in The Barnfield Allotments at the very top and you will see us immediately if you come in the top gate. Until recently it was run by Westbank but as their funding is running out for this project they looked to hand the responsibility over to a community group and Sustainable Crediton has risen to the opportunity.

It a beautiful site with stunning views and lots of good work has already been done. It is being handed over complete with tools, two sheds and picnic table. But like any allotment, lots is always to be done. As a start we have committed to having someone there every Wednesday, weather permitting from 11-3. Come up and join us for some of it. Please bring your own refreshments. It would be great to have other organised times but we need volunteers who are prepared to be a lead and introduce new people to the allotment and do the health and safety stuff. For now if anyone wants to come at a different time they can email to and we will arrange to meet. Once people have had an induction they can go up as they choose. The volunteers who are active also have a WhatsApp group. You can see us on Facebook; look for Crediton Community Allotments.

Besides the regular Wednesday work days, we have two events coming up, a team work day on Saturday April 23rd 11-2 and an Open Day with activities for children and adults again from 11-2 on May 21st. Further details under 'Dates for your Diary'.

Tesco's will be providing refreshments for both of these days.

Christina Dymond