Community Allotment Team Day: 23 April and upcoming Open Day: 21st May

12 May 2022


We had a great Team Day up on the allotment at Barnfield on April 23rd. Thanks to Tesco for refreshments and Crediton Coffee for the wonderful coffee that kept us fuelled. The volunteers got a chance to say goodbye to Katheryn Hope from Westbank who did such a wonderful job of establishing the Community Allotment in such difficult times. She's promised to come back and visit us. It's looking great and with the promise of warmer weather we should be getting lots plants in during the next couple of weeks. I have already seen the first strawberries.

Anyone is welcome to come up on any Wednesday from 11-3. Once you've been introduced to the Allotment you can come up anytime. The volunteers have a Whatsapp group so they can make plans to visit together or decide who's going up to water. If anyone needs to arrange another time to have an induction: just message on or on the Crediton Community Allotment facebook group or page.

On May 21st we are going to have an Open Day from 11-2. Anyone can come up just to have a look and a cup of coffee as there will again be refreshments. We will also be having a talk on herbs and a led gardening limber up session. There will be a little nature trail for children. Everyone can plant up some seeds to take home. Children from Hayward's School will be planting 2 apple trees that the early years class of 2022 will adopt and follow through, learning about how trees grow and produce. Please note all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Hope to see you there.

Christina Dymond