Community Allotment update and news of next Open Day

20 September 2022

Despite the drought we've managed to have a pretty good summer up at the allotment, thanks to a lot of heroic hauling of water by many people. The Barnfield allotments are blessed with several tap outlets but our nearest is still quite a haul with watering cans. It would be nice next year to find more material for mulching and to add more water butts. Although summer veg like tomatoes, courgettes and beans are coming to an end, we should have some kale and chard through the winter as well as purple spouting broccoli in the spring. This is to name but some of what's there, so come up and see.

Allt produce 09 22 2

Allt produce 0922 1

The time on Wednesday when we have someone from Sustainable Crediton at the Allotment is shortening to 11-2 and from November to February it will be just the first and third Wednesday of the month. All this is of course weather permitting. Once you have been introduced to the Allotment (Health and Safety etc.) you are welcome to come up any time. If Wednesdays don't suit you email us at and we can arrange a different time.

We are planning to have a Team Work Day Saturday Oct. 8th from 11-2 to hopefully set up a new bed and sort our compost systems out a bit better. Light refreshments will be provided. It's another great time to come up and have a look. It's such a beautiful place.

Do come along, and enjoy good company, help move this project forward and enjoy the fantastic views from the allotment!

Christina Dymond