Love Food Hate Waste Training


Heathcoat Old Community Centre, 81 King Street, Tiverton EX16 5JJ GoogleMap

In the UK, we throw away 7 million tonnes of household food and drink every year, the majority of which could have been eaten. The average family wastes around £720. CAG Devon want to work with you and your community to do something about this.

Are you passionate about good food? Would you like to support people in your community to save money and plan, store and cook better to prevent food waste, by attending local events or giving talks? Or perhaps you'd like to help run cookery sessions using household leftovers and surplus food from supermarkets and the high street as part of a Food Surplus Café.

We are looking for enthusiastic, friendly people from the Mid-Devon area, or nearby, who would like to take part in the Love Food Hate Waste Training and become Food Champions.

The Love Food Hate Waste training will be delivered by WRAP. It will help you understand the key reasons why people waste food and will include lots of practical ideas and interactive games to help people eat well and throw less away. You'll be given a resource pack full of activities to take away and you'll be able to borrow displays and equipment from CAG Devon to take to community events.

This is not practical cookery training but we are also looking for keen cooks who want to share their recipes and get involved in cookery workshops and food surplus meals in the community.

We will be holding a slightly shorter version of the training on Tues 21st Feb from 6pm-9pm - for people unavailable during the day, or a full version of the training on Wed 22nd Feb from 10am - 2.30pm.

Visit our website or book directly onto the training here by Booking Online. You can follow us on social media @cagdevon or contact Ruth, 07944791972.