Crediton Seed Share


Old Town Hall, High Street, Crediton GoogleMap

Do add the date to your diary, it will be on 22nd February at the Old Town Hall, High Street, Crediton from 11.00 am until 2pm.

Share seeds, browse stalls and meet friends for delicious homemade lunches.

New to seed shares? It works like this, bring seeds saved from your garden or unwanted packets of seeds, take away seeds saved by other gardeners or obtained from Heritage seed banks. No charge, though it would be nice if you would consider a donation towards the costs of the day.

Why do we do this: commercial seeds stocks are licensed by government and it is illegal to sell other kinds of seed varieties not on the list.  This list is quite limited and costly to add to, so allows big seed companies to dictate what we can grow.  In addition, the F1 seeds sold by seed companies are not capable of being collected and used again after the plant has flowered, so for the first time in history growers have to buy new seed every year.

The Heritage Seed Library encourages people to grow other varieties to make sure plants and their genetic material are available for the future. Seed sharing  also helps save local varieties.   For information on saving seeds visit our website or or

You can also join The Heritage Seed Library and get more heritage seeds, growing information and receive the Organic Way  magazine by visiting:

Read about seed swapping on our Seed Swapping page.