Community Allotment update
The allotment has survived the storms without any damage and the
winter stalwart veg like chard and leeks are doing well. Even the
broad beans are growing, though some weeding in that bed is clearly
on the agenda. We hope to get a dumpy bag of compost delivered soon
to put on the new beds and hopefully have some for the strawberries
as well. We've also got a source of well rotted horse manure if the
ground ever dries up enough to get to it. We'll be moving the two
Haywards Apple trees too. By the end of the month we'll be thinking
about what we're planting for the coming season. Roll on spring!
Remember anyone who is interested in joining us is very welcome no
matter what your ablity or experience.
Help with shifting the planned compost delivery would be
especially welcome.

29th April 2024
We are closing the Crediton Community Allotment. It's been an
interesting, often rewarding but also hard time running the
Community Allotment since we took it over from Westbank in 2021.
Ultimately it seems there just aren't many people who wish to be
part of a community allotment here in Crediton ...
31st January 2024
The Community Allotment is dormant for now. More news
later ......
March 2024
11th January 2024
The allotment has survived the
storms without any damage and the winter stalwart veg like chard
and leeks are doing well. Even the broad beans are growing, though
some weeding in that bed is clearly on the agenda. We hope to get a
dumpy bag of compost delivered soon to put on the new beds and
hopef ...
For more information email Christina Dymond. Sign in to see more contact details..