Welcome to the Food Group!
We are a small, friendly group of local people who are
interested in all aspects of growing/producing, distributing,
preparing and eating food, in a sustainable way. We run events,
campaigns, social occasions etc to support this aim. Some of the
areas in which we have been active recently include:
- Helping people to get started with "grow your own"
- Sharing simple seasonal recipes for home produce
- Opportunities to learn about saving seed, and a chance to swap
your saved seed with others at our annual Seed Share
- Talks and demonstrations on subjects such as bee-keeping,
propagation and grafting.
- Promoting local food and supporting local smallholders, through
our Pig
- Getting together to learn to make pickles and preserves
- cooking and eating together
If you want to know more about our activities or would like to
join in, please get in touch, or come along to our next