Have your say on The Great British Energy Bill

4 October 2024


Sustainable Crediton supports the campaign for the Local Electricity Bill, that aims to create growth in community-led renewable energy schemes - known as 'community energy' - by enabling them to sell the electricity that they generate directly to local people.

Power for People are asking support for a different Bill: the Government's newly proposed

'Great British Energy Bill'. This Bill, as currently drafted, sets up the new Great British Energy  company and gives it a set of low-carbon and energy security objectives. But the Bill contains no mention of community energy, despite the new Government repeatedly stating its support for the sector and promising measures to boost it.

The Bill should be strengthened with an amendment to include enabling community energy as one of Great British Energy's objectives, otherwise it will be a major missed opportunity.

Power for People are co-ordinating cross-party support for this amendment.   Wera Hobhouse MP has agreed to table it in the next few days, probably by Thursday 10th October. MPs have up until then to sign it. Five MPs have already put their names to it - three are Labour and two are Green - a decent start. The more MPs who sign it the better the chances of persuading energy ministers to include it in the Bill.

 Could you help by doing the following?

 1. Emailing your local MP, or MPs, asking them to, 'Please sign the cross-party amendment that will include supporting community energy in the Great British Energy Bill, sponsored by MPs Sarah Champion, Carla Denyer, Simon Opher, Adrian Ramsay and Cat Smith and led by Wera Hobhouse MP.'  It is easy to do by following the links on powerforpeople.org.uk

 2. Asking people in your network to send a similar message to their MP.

 This is an exciting opportunity to promote community energy, especially given the recent strong words of support from energy ministers.