April Energy Group News

31 March 2015

Community Energy Feasibility Study

Following a successful presentation to the Crediton Learning Community, we have surveyed for solar PV several local schools including QE, Cheriton Fitzpaine, Haywards, Copplestone and Sandford. These all have suitable roofs and have expressed interest in our project. We have also surveyed Crediton Hospital and a heads of terms for roof lease passed to North Devon NHS Foundation Trust for internal consideration. We are still awaiting their response. Work has started on a business case which will include the school and hospital roofs. The next steps in our project will depend on the viability of our scheme. We are due to publish our final report to our grant funders, WRAP, at the end of April.

2015/2016 Solar PV FIT Rates

Many Supporters will have solar PV installed on their roofs. The Government have published the latest feed-in tariff rates which apply from 1st April 2015.