Tiverton postcode area has the second greatest concentration of
solar pv power in the UK. Mid Devon generally is also very well
endowed with PV as can be seen on
this map.
Evoenergy, a renewables installer, has been busy recently
generating some visualisations of data sets provided by Ofgem.
Ofgem releases quarterly reports of solar PV deployment in the UK
at postcode level. They've aggregated this for the quarter end as
of June 2012 and applied it to this map at postcode sector level.
This map shows installations per postcode, irrespective of
If you click on the map and scroll around you will see the
largest area of green colouration is Mid Devon whilst the Tiverton
post code area is dark green. Very few other areas in the UK have
any green showing at all.
A lot of credit for this unusually far-sighted behaviour by MDDC
must be given to our Core Group member John Downes who has
influenced MDDC environmental policy to a large extent.