Review of September Energy Group Meeting to
Fordton Cottage, Fordton, EX17 3DH 
Notes from meeting
Present: Charles, Linda, Hazel, John, Chris D and Hertha
Apols: Chris T
Warm welcome to Hertha on her first meeting with Suscred.
a) Influencing Housing developers and MDDC
- Charles to chase up John Downes to set up
meeting with MDDC planners
- Linda to ask Rob Rickey if he will join us in
the meeting with the planners, give us some pointers on what to
look for in planning applications and how some aspects of his
passiv-haus impacted his EPC negatively.
- Hazel to review on a weekly basis the new
planning applications and let the group know of any new housing
developments open for comments.
- Chris T still to find contact for Greenwatt
b) Solar PV Project
- 100 new leaflets printed and are available for use at eg
Community Markets etc
- Discussed new poster design and the sort of messages we want to
give out. Hazel to email her suggestions to the
group for comment.
- Chris T had researched some prices for a lockable noticeboard.
Linda to approach a couple of local carpenters.
Idea deferred until we have spoken to Core Group.
- Amendment to our Solarsense agreement agreeing the second year
10% discount is with Solarsense for signature.
- Charles to write to Mel Stride for Mel's
opinion on the current state of the PV market rather than the
standard response to our letter from Greg Barker.
c) Energy Performance Certificates
- Hazel to arrange her EPC with Eric and let the
group know when so that some of us can attend and ask
- John to get dates from Tony Newton for a
possible talk to the group on his university research.
d) Possible Community Projects with Schools
- Linda and Chris D to speak to Paddy Blake re
Sandford School
- Charles to followup on the EDF grant
application he sent to Cheriton Fitzpaine School.
e) Firewood from Hedges
- Charles has had no responses from his emails and telephone
calls to Andrew shadrake of Bovey Climate Action, so we must assume
that the event Bovey were hoping to organise is not going to
happen. Charles to seek further information
including costs on how to run an event ourselves using such experts
as Devon Hedge Group, Devon Rural Skills and BTCV.
- Link to report on woodfuel from
2. AOB
a) Community RHPP Application
We have submitted the Stage 1 application to the Energy Saving
Trust and will hear the result in mid September. If we are taken to
Stage 2 we will have to submit a bid based on installing renewable
heat in at least 11 less affluent homes, off gas in an area of
deprivation. It will be a challenge get expressions of interest
from 11 such homes. Grants may be available to cover upto 40% of
the costs of installation.
b) Wind Turbine Strategy
- Following a discussion Linda to draft a
statement for the group to comment on.
- We were surprised to learn that there had been a major flooding
disaster in Somerset on 1607 possibly as a result of a tsunami.
Slightly concerning considering two nuclear power stations would be
flooded if this happened again.
- We decided not to visit a wind farm as we felt we had enough
arguments to make a case for turbines.
c) Articles
- Linda left Charles with an article for the
website about the use of transformers which if left on cause a
considerable waste of energy.
- Linda referred to an article in the Ecologist which highlights
the potential harm in the use of mobile phone and other wireless
3. date of next meeting
Thursday 10th October at Fordton Cottage 7:30pm
Last updated on
by Webmaster