Review of October Energy Group Meeting


Fordton Cottage, Fordton, EX17 3DH  GoogleMap


1) Attendees

John, Linda, Charles, Hazel, Chris D and Chris T

2) Apologies

3) Warm Homes Project

  • Review of 2nd October Workshop
  • Decision on project
  • Actions from Workshop - Charles will bring draft plan

We decided to go ahead with the project to the next stage and collect expressions of interest.

Charles will issue a press release to the Crediton Courier for publication 12th October.

Linda and Charles will prepare the stage 2 application for submission by the 16th November.

We await a proposal from our installer, which we will share with the group prior to enterring further negotiations.

We accept that this will be a small project, but will be a good start and will prepare us for when the Green Deal abd RHI are announced.

4) Wood from Hedgerows Event

  • Detailed planning for the event on the 24th November

We decided that the event will be based at the Crown & Sceptre Pub, Newton St Cyres with talks at the pub and demonstrations at the hedge, about 10 minutes drive away. Food and refreshments can be provided by the pub.

Charles to make arrangements with the pub landlord, Simon Lovell.

We will publicise locally through parish mags, Devon Association of Small Holders, BTCV, DRST, Reconnect, Green Events, and the local forest schools and woodcraft folk organisation and of course our own membership via the Newsletter.

5) Wind Turbine Statement

Our statement was discussed and agreed.

Linda to send it to the Core Group.

6) Matters arising from last meeting (not covered previously)

a) Influencing housing developers and MDDC

  • John Downes is arranging two meetings for us, one with MDDC and one with the developer of the new council housing estate in Well Parks. Dates to be advised.
  • John Boyle to construct a reply to the MDDC Consultation on the Local Plan 3 for circulation to the rest of the group prior to sending to MDDC
  • Individuals also to send in their comments to LP3

b) Solar PV Project

  • 30 copies of our new poster to be produced - Linda/Hazel

c) Energy Performance Certificate

  • EPC at Hazel's 24th October at 4:30pm - all welcome
  • Tony Newton talk 22nd November at John's 7:30pm

d) Possible community projects with schools - all items still outstanding

  • Linda and Chris D to speak to Paddy Blake re Sandford School
  • Charles to followup on the EDF grant application he sent to Cheriton Fitzpaine School.
  • Linda to send group link to Solar Schools project

7) Any other business

  • Energy Saving Week 22nd - 27th October. Linda to write article for Courier for 26th October edition.
  • Linda to contact Ottery re thermal imaging and IR equipment.

8) Date of next meeting

30/10/12 7:30 at John Boyle's


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