Energy Group has finalised its 2009 -2014 plans which will form
part of CCA's overall strategy.
The plans will be posted on the website shortly. We are
planning an Open House Day in May for the general public to
view working renewable energy generating systems in and
around Crediton.
We hope that seeing systems working and talking to the
owners may encourage some people to make the investment
in renewable energy.
We are aiming to cover everything from wind turbines, solar
panels for water heating and electricity
generation,air and ground source heat pumps, and wood
burning stoves and boilers.
We may also include people with permaculture gardens to
make the event about sustainable living in general.Fuller
details in the next newsletter.
Working in partnership with Ecotricity
From Charles Mossman:
I was speaking to our electricity
meter reader the other day. I asked him how many of the meters he
read were supplied by Ecotricity or Good Energy. He told me
that this area of mid - Devon was surprisingly high for green
Out of the 400 meters he read at
least 60 were from the Good or Ecotricity. This has
reminded me CCA has an arrangement with Ecotricity. Wouldn't
it be amazing to have all your household electricity
supplied by 100% renewable energy and at the same time
help Crediton Climate Action?
Well you can do that today
by switching your electricity supply to Ecotricity. When
you make the switch and mention CCA, Ecotricity
will donate £15 to our community renewable fund.
Businesses can secure an even
bigger donation, up to £40, by switching now. Switching
to Ecotricity means you'll be reducing your own
carbon emissions and supporting renewable energy as a
long term solution to climate change.
The Green
Electricity Marketplace says "One of the best green
tariffs available in the UK. If you want to support a
company that is dedicated to investing in new renewable
energy schemes in the UK, then this is the tariff for
you." If you haven't already switched to a green tariff why
not make the switch today?