Community Energy Feasibility Study Update

- Early interest from Lords Meadow Industrial Estate occupiers
led to several roof surveys but no sustained interest. The
reasons for this appear to be: the difficulty of stating an exact
level of electricity discount before installation costs are known
and FIT rate confirmed; the low value of any saving compared with
other opportunities or challenges facing businesses, and the
difficulty of securing interest from landlords.
- We are still pursuing a small number of possibilities on the
estate, but have also looked elsewhere.
- The most promising opportunities are currently NHS properties
and schools. A health-focused portfolio looks possible and would
offer particular marketing opportunities for a share issue.
- The other option is schools. Aerial surveys show
potential for several of them. Some primaries are interested
and we addressed all Crediton feeder schools at a meeting in late
January. We will need to identify schools which will not be
replaced over the next 20 years, and where ownership is not a
stumbling block. Devon County council owns many of the
schools, and despite a theoretical route for schools to agree roof
leases, there is resistance in practice. We are trying to
engage with officers, with limited success, but DCC has recently
passed an energy policy and strategy which in theory makes it
easier for schools to install panels. We will be working with
stakeholders and councillors to move this forward. Meanwhile,
we have approached the secondary school, which has several suitable
roofs and is an academy. Other local schools are Church of
England, and we will use our good contacts at diocesan level to
obtain agreement to leases for them.