As reported last month, we were working on submitting
applications into OFGEM to obtain pre-accreditation into the FIT
scheme at current FIT rates for our potential project with QE
School. Happily we can report that the applications for multiple
roofs at QE were all submitted on time and we are hopeful that we
will receive confirmation from OFGEM shortly of our
pre-accreditation. The actual applications were submitted for us by
Exeter Community Energy (ECOE) as they are an existing community
co-operative company. Due to the shortness of time given the
impending changes proposed by the Government we were unable to
become a legal co-operative company ourselves and submit the
applications by the end of September. During November we will be
meeting with ECOE to agree the terms by which we will manage the
potential project between us. Other on-going work during November
will be the detailed analysis by us of several years QE School
electricity usage to build into our business plan.