Saturday 22nd March 9.30 - 1 pm: Boniface Centre, Church Lane,
EX17 2AH
If you came to the Community Conversation on the Land Use
Framework held at the Boniface Centre a year ago, you might have
been wondering what happened to all the ideas that people put
forward about the Barnfield site. Now's your chance to find
The Climate Action Team and the Town Council have organised a
morning workshop presenting the vision for developing the land
south of Barnfield, what the next steps might be and how you can be
involved. Come and see how the ideas put forward through the Land Use Framework have been
brought together and help to develop proposals.
There will be a full morning's programme. We need your views on
housing, economic and educational opportunities, agriculture,
sustainable transport and more. What kind of housing do we need and
who should it be for? What kind of environment do we want? How can
our vision contribute to the town's economy and opportunities for
young people?
Everyone is welcome whether you came to the previous workshop or
not. It's your town: come and help shape its future. Refreshments
will be provided!
Cllr. Liz Brookes-Hocking, Crediton Town
Dave Harris, Climate Action Team