Purpose of Consultation
There will be a presentation of the findings from the scoping
study that is being carried out over the summer. The study has been
commissioned by the Devon New Economy Initiative, of which the
purpose statement is here attached.
Gill Westcott and Isabel Carlisle will report back on innovation
in Devon's current economy, present case studies of new economy
interventions elsewhere and open up a discussion about the most
effective next steps in terms of creating a new organisation. The
intent of a new organisation is to support the growth of a more
resilient, equitable and regenerative economic strategy for Devon
as well as nurture projects on the ground. We invite you to share
your ideas, give us feedback and help us shape the next phase. What
do you need, and what does Devon need?
There will be food and drink provided. Doors open at
5pm, the presentation will start at 5.15 pm. We will break for
refreshments at 7.00 pm then continue to chat informally over food
and drink.
Please let us know if you intend to come since that will help us
in organising the event and also in planning the refreshments.
RSVP Gerald Conyngham via the contact details to the right.