This is the AGM where you not only get to approve last year's
accounts, but can also find out what to do when you really need a
dead otter. The imaginative people at the Community Bookshop are
also giving 10% off purchases in the Bookshop for people who attend
the AGM at 1100 in the Congregational Church.
Simon Hall, television crime correspondent and author of the TV
Detective series, may explain about the otter when he gives a talk
in the bookshop at noon. Simon's sixth book in the TV Detective
series, Shadows of Justice, was published in May.
The Community Bookshop's first AGM is being held within a year of
the launch of the share issue in September 2012. The Committee
hopes to see lots of members and friends at the AGM and afterwards,
and to hear what they want from their bookshop.