As mentioned last month, our Core Group Convenor, Terry Hadley,
will be stepping down at our AGM this year (April), as will I, from
my role as Core Group Secretary. Both roles are interesting
and rewarding. SusCred will benefit hugely if we can have a
surge of new energy in Core Group. There is always space for active
new members who are happy to take a share of responsibility for a
project or activity…
So now is the time to start thinking whether
you might like to offer your services?
Current Core Group members, alongside Terry and me, are
Kirsty Janes (Treasurer), Lesley Thomas (newsletter), Esther Mann,
Christina Dymond, Claire Johnstone, Sarah Alsbury, Dee
Ross,,Alan Murray, Rob Hines and Gail Dalton-Hines.
If you feel you might be interested please:
- have a chat with any Core Group member you happen to meet up
- Talk to one of us at the Seed Share on 22nd February
- Or write in to let us know of your possible interest - to the
usual Email,
Thank you!
Caroline Romijn