Terry Hadley has provided excellent leadership as
'Convenor' of Sustainable Crediton's Core Group (previously call
Chair) since taking on the role "on a temporary
basis" in June 2023. Terry will continue with the role only until
our AGM in the spring. After that a new Convenor will be
needed. Now is the time to start thinking whether
you might like to offer your services?
I will also be standing down at the AGM, after 5 years in the
role in the role of Core Group Secretary.
Both roles are interesting and rewarding, and both require
commitment and enthusiasm. If any of you out there would like
to consider volunteering for these roles, you are most welcome to
contact Terry or me (or other members of Core Group) to find
out more of what's involved catch us face to face or write to our
usual Email: info@sustainablecrediton.org.uk.
Thank you!
Caroline Romijn