A walk in the woods and art making with natural materials open
up learning across STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts,
Come join us at Significant Seams Apple Studio and Creativity Acre
for a fun project based learning session that can contribute to the
national qualification 'Arts Award.'In this session we will explore
the distinctive characteristics of various trees, plus a bit about
their history. We will make art pieces with eucalyptus bark and
draw with water shoots from apple trees. We will learn how Leonardo
Da Vinci's artworks link to trees, and consider how art and science
intersect in understanding nature.This series of workshops is
designed with the requirements of the Bronze Arts Award in
mind. Participation can also contribute towards the skills
requirement of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
Bookable via eventbrite for £27.50. Bookable by purchase at the
Crediton Arts Centre summer show (until 2 June) for £25.