Come join us at Significant Seams Apple Studio and Creativity
Acre for a fun project based learning session that can contribute
to the national qualification 'Arts Award.'
In this session we will focus on eco dyeing and printing - using
materials available from the environment to make dyes. In addition
to art, there are history and science aspects that will be
explored. We will have time trapsing about in the woods, harvesting
and helping maintain stocks of materials. We will print via flower
pounding and steam bundles. We will also make a pot or two of dye
and colour both wool and cotton. We will also learn how pH can
affect the colour produced - and have some fun modifying our
fabrics. This hands-on workshop is perfect for home educating
families looking for inspiring activities to fuel project based
learning. Let your curiousity loose in a supportive and inclusive
environment. This series of workshops is designed with the
requirements of the Bronze and Silver Arts Award in mind.
Participation can also contribute towards the skills requirement of
the Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
Bookable via eventbrite for £27.50. Bookable by purchase at the
Crediton Arts Centre summer show (until 2 June) for £25.