Dee Ross (Core Group Leader), Esther
Mann (Treasurer and Waste Action Group Leader), John Craythorne
(newsletter editor) John Ross (Town Council representative), Dave
Harris, Hannah Thomas, Rachel Parcell, Carolyn Scott, Anne Tucker,
Abi Hendricks, Siobhan Martin, Gerald Conyngham.
Emma Mitchell (Secretary), Charles
Minutes of
1. Welcome. Dee
Ross welcomed all attendees, especially those members of the
recently forming Crediton Extinction Rebellion Group.
2. Minutes of Annual General
Meeting, 21 May 2018.
Agreed as true record: proposed,
Gerald Conyngham; seconded, Esther Mann
3. Core Group Leader's
Dee Ross summarised the progress made
over the past 12 months. A year ago Sustainable Crediton had become
dormant and was at risk of ceasing to exist. However a new Core
Group (Dee Ross, Esther Mann, Emma Mitchell and John Craythorne),
came forward and has provided continuation.
We are still looking for a Core Group
member to take on social media. We would love to hear from anyone
who is interested. Also anyone else who wishes to become more
active and involved with SusCred will be made very welcome!
Dee explained that the Core Group
fulfils an 'umbrella' role looking after matters such as finance,
insurance, communications and overall direction, whilst Action
Groups operate quite autonomously to deliver projects and
activities consistent with SusCred's aims.
Activities in the past
year have included the following:
- Publicity street stall on the High
- Making links to other groups and
initiatives in Crediton, including Turning Tides, the Museum and
Heart of Crediton;
- Attendance at the Mayor's
- Starting work on the Bee Line
- Visit to the Energy from Waste
project in Exeter, relevant to the planning application for an
anaerobic digester at Lord's Meadow.
Future plans
- Progressing the Beeline project;
- Publicity stall at CredFest's Picnic
in the Park;
- Contributing to the Totally Local
project being developed by the Chamber of Commerce;
- Exploring how we might work in tandem
with Extinction Rebellion to increase our impact and avoid
duplication of effort.
4. Treasurer's
Esther Mann reported as follows:
We are in a stable position
financially. For the year ended 31 December 2018 we achieved a
surplus of £444.51 of income over expenditure. Total assets
amounted to £4,857.44. In the current calendar year expenditure has
been c.£730 and income c.£760. Detailed figures showing income,
expenditure and the balance sheet were circulated to attendees.
The Treasurer's report was approved by
the meeting. Proposed: John Ross, Seconded: Anne Tucker
5. Food Action Group
Dee Ross reported on behalf of the
Share, Grow, Eat! our seed share event
held in March, was outstandingly successful in terms of numbers
attending, the variety and quality of exhibitors, and all round
enjoyment. Thanks especially to those attending who gave initial
impetus to the Beeline Project: Imogen Hallam, Cathy Horsley and
Simon O'Sullivan. Thanks also to the Waste Group for catering, and
the Woodmen for musical entertainment.
The Beeline pollinators project next
meeting: 15 May, at the library.
6. Waste Action Group
Carolyn Scott reported on behalf of
the Group.
The focus for the past year has
continued to be on reduction / recycling of plastic:
- Water refill project;
- Community Hero scheme: Crediton Pet
Shop and Stevie B's received accolades for minimising use of
plastic packaging;
- The group has produced a leaflet on
tips to reduce plastic useage;
Other activites have included:
- A smoothies stall at last year's Food
Festival, using surplus produce;
- The very successful clothes swap
event: the next clothes swap is on 1 June at the Congregational
In response to a question, Esther Mann
reported that she has been talking to Mid Devon DC seeking
clarification on their plastic recycling policy, but with limited
success due to changes in personnel at MDDC.
7. Woodland Group
John Craythorne reported on behalf of
the Group.
Coppicing and some hedge laying has
continued through the winter months, working on a site near
Morchard Bishop. The Group works on alternate Mondays through the
season. Chain saw users, who must be appropriately qualified and
equipped to meet health and safety and insurance requirements, do
most of the felling, whilst other group members trim, carry, stack
and make themselves generally useful.
Coppicing increases biodiversity by
opening up woodland to greater sunlight, brings neglected woodland
back into management, and provided Group members with a load of
fire wood at the end of the season.
An enjoyable day in the woods is had
by all. Enquiries from new would-be members are welcome.
8. Election of Core
The existing Core Group members
indicated their willingness to stand again and were re-elected in
the absence of any other nominations.
John Ross volunteered to continue as
Town Council representative and will continue in that role.
This concluded the formal business of
the AGM at approximately 8.30pm
There followed a general discussion
about possible future actions and objectives, which included:
- Identifying land for tree planting /
pollinator planting;
- Premises for a surplus food cafe /
cookery / food education activities;
- Identifying a community meeting
- Community Fridge
The meeting closed at around