Looking at the latest newsletter and our revamped website, I
feel there is a lot we can feel proud of in Sustainable Crediton
and that a lot has been achieved in 2012. It may not
always seem that way but we have all worked hard and there are lots
of good new initiatives emerging eg the Credit Union, the Warm
homes project, our activity in the Credfest 2013 which will give
the community markets a good boost in my opinion, and the plastic
collections which have made people much more aware about issues of
recycling and waste disposal.
I believe our big challenge in 2013 is how to reach out to the
wider community who have heard of Sustainable Crediton since our
profile is good but do not yet see it as relevant to their
lives. And we need to find ways of matching our aspirations to the
very real needs and concerns they have, especially those on low
incomes. So this will be my big priority next year.
Anyway thanks for all you have done and continue to do and have
a lovely break over Christmas and the New year, ready to return
renewed and refreshed!