Can we create a truly resilient , vibrant and sustainable
Crediton by 2030?
DON'T PANIC, KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON - was one of the themes that
emerged from our hugely successful seminar at the Boniface
Centre on Tuesday 17th January. The seminar was a joint
venture between Sustainable Crediton and Crediton Town Council
and representatives from 35 different organisations in
Crediton attended including a number of independant businesses,
churches, schools, community organisations,Town, District and
County Councillors and also a number of Sus Cred supporters. In
total 82 people came along, the most successful event of this
type in Sustainable Crediton's history - so far!!.
The event was opened by mayor Frank Letch and Sustainable
Crediton's Chair Gerald Conyngham and fell into two parts. We
began with a multi media presentation on peak oil and climate
change and how we can mitigate their effects on a local level
by creating strong, self reliant and resilient communities. This
was ably presented by Simon Tytherleigh, a Bradninch Town
Councillor and member of Bradninch Climate Action. He has been
working closely with Gerald Conyngham and Paula Mossman of Sus Cred
to create and refine what proved to be a very powerful, if at
times shocking, opening 40mins, with a short break in the middle
for reflection and questions.
We then moved into the second part of the evening which was an
interactive workshop. Initially participants were asked to
work in groups on different aspects of local sustainability,
brainstorming the actions we would need to take in the next 18
years to create a community in Crediton that can withstand the
shocks that may be facing us by 2030. Retail development,
housing, holidays & leisure, food & farming, energy, water,
travel and transport were among the subjects up for discussion
and there was a real buzz in the air as groups debated various
ideas for ways forward and those ideas were collected on huge
sheets of paper.
We then moved into an exercise where everyone was encouraged to
write on coloured post it notes the ways they and their
families could begin taking action on this challenge right now.
Additional post its were used for ideas on where businesses
and organisations and also the 3 tiers of local Council could start
taking action too. The post it notes were collected on 3 flip
charts and it was amazing to see the 100's of ideas
and committments that emerged like a field of little coloured
The evening closed with a summary from each table of one idea
that had emerged as a theme for the evening and also the
opportunity for all those present to indicate how they would like
to keep the momentum created by the evening going. The theme
of 'DONT PANIC' was joined by; inclusivity for all sections of
society, we are not alone as a town in doing this work, lets
make sure of the true credentials of our purchases when we
'Buy British'.
As the evening closed we all felt it was only 'The end of the
beginning'. Sustainable Crediton now intends to produce a
document containing all the ideas and use it as a starting point
for continuing this work in the town. This will be available
to all participants and any other Sus Cred supporters or interested
local people by email in the near future. If you were not at
the seminar we will let you know how to get hold of a copy in the
next newsletter.
Many thanks to everyone who came along. We have spent many
months preparing for the evening and it was heartening and
exciting to see the number of people in our community who are
really committed to making a sustainable, resilient, vibrant
Crediton of the future a reality for all.
Gerald Conyngham and Paula Mossman
Download a detailed report of the event: "Towards a
Sustainable Future"