17 supporters attended. The meeting began with a short
presentation on the work being done by the 'Little Rotters'
Club at Landscore Primary. It was very impressive
and encouraging to see how much environmental
work the school, staff, pupils and parents are engaged
The formal AGM followed. Gerald Conyngham gave a summary of
the previous years' activities and thanked the retiring
members of the Core Group; Sue Chantrey, Simon McEwan and
Georgi Bellingham for all their help.
Anne Tucker presented the accounts for 2010 which are
in good shape.
The election of the Core group for 2011/2012 followed:
Chair, Gerald Conyngham, Vice Chair, Charles
Mossman, Treasurer, Anne Tucker, Publicity Officer,
Alan Murray, Communications and Newsletter,
Paula Mossman, Town Council rep, John Downes
Additional Core Group members: Linda Lever, Elaine Clement,
Dominic Doble and Kate Povey.
The position of secretary remains vacant for the time
Dominic and Kate are new to the Core group and we welcome
them warmly. Next month we will ask each of them to
include a short profile in the newsletter.
After the formal meeting and refreshments we watched Affluenza. This
was followed by a discussion on the future direction of
Sustainable Crediton and how we could help people in our area
understand the attractions of living more simply. Some
suggestions that came from the audience were; joining in
a 'No Shopping' Day, running 'anti
advertising' competitions, encouraging the DCC car
share scheme, encouraging people to use Freecycle and
other such organisations or possibly setting up one of our
own, promoting Earth Hour, working with children in schools so
that the message filters down to parents and
older generations.
If any of the above ideas appeal to you or you have your
own suggestions for living more simply, please contact us,
especially if you could donate a little time and energy
towards making them happen. One idea might be for you to write
a short piece for this newsletter about how you have
managed to live more simply in your own family and what
consequences that might have had for you both financially and
in your well being and lifestyle. It is amazing how people
can be inspired by other peoples' stories so please
do not think that yours does not matter.